Have Bank or Credit Union Strategic Planning Like a Frienemy
On The Mark Strategies tells you how to have a bank or credit union strategic planning session with frienemy rules like 10% comments and caging the HIPPO.
Read MoreThere are few leaders like the courageous personnel who serve in the United States armed forces. Regardless of what branch they serve in, military members often make crucial leadership decisions…sometimes ones affecting life-or-death outcomes.
Such extreme results may not hinge on your leadership, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn a thing or two from America’s military branches. Each branch has a motto meant to define the people who serve in it. Maybe the meanings within these mottos can help define you too? Let’s take a look:
1. "This We'll Defend" - The Army - The Army’s motto has been in existence since the Revolutionary War. That’s 200+ years of one clear mission, one clear purpose. As a leader, are you that committed to your mission? Are you that unwavering on why you get up every day?
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Be unwavering in your mission as a leader.
2. "Semper Fidelis” – The Marines - The Marines’ motto is Latin for “Always Faithful.” Marines are known for their loyalty to one another both on and off the battlefield. Likewise, the people you lead will go through ups and downs both professionally and personally. Are you faithful to them through these different seasons? Do they know you have their back?
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Always act with others’ best interest in mind (even when that means having hard conversations).
3. “Semper Fortis” – The Navy - “Sempter Fortis” is Latin for “Always Courageous.” At the time this unofficial motto came about, the Navy often sailed into literally uncharted territory. Though you’re not likely navigating the open seas in your role as a leader, you daily face challenges that are new to both you and those following you. The economy. Regulatory changes. Whatever unknown lies on your horizon, it’s critical your people see that you are undaunted in the face of it.
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Show courage during the unknown.
4. “Aim High…Fly-Fight-Win” – The Air Force - The Air Force’s motto is a challenge to its airmen to always push themselves higher, both in the sky and in personal character development. As a leader, you must hold yourself and your people to a higher standard. The moment you get comfortable is the moment you stop growing.
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Challenge yourself and your team; never be complacent.
5. “Semper Paratus” – The Coast Guard - Latin for “Always Ready,” the Coast Guard’s motto embodies this group’s willingness to serve at any hour, in any condition, 365 days a year. For many Americans, the Coast Guard is a military branch not thought of until a crisis. As a leader, are you anticipating crises before they happen? Though difficult, it’s your job to worry, prepare and think years ahead so that your people don’t have to.
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Plan ahead for the best and the worst of what could come your way as a leader.
6. “Semper Supra” – The Space Force - Latin for “Always Above,” The Space Force’s motto conveys this branch’s dedication to looking beyond what we see to what is next. It’s a reminder to all leaders that it’s your job to cast the vision, see what others cannot and plot a path to help them get there.
Bank and Credit Union Leadership Training Takeaway: Cast a compelling vision for your team.
Even the best leaders have growth areas. If that’s you and one of these areas resonates, book a free bank or credit union leadership training consultation. With help from an expert facilitator, you and your team will grow into heroic leaders.