Bob Dylan's Advice for Your Credit Union Member Experience Training

Laura Loy
Bob Dylan's Advice for Your Credit Union Member Experience Training

Bob Dylan is a legendary figure in the American music scene. Dylan produced music known (and loved) by many, and Timothée Chalamet will play him in a biopic coming out this December. But what in the world does this have to do with your institution?

Dylan’s poetic music contains more than instructive messages for the 1960s protest culture…it has lessons for your credit union member experience training too.

So, let’s look at three of Dylan’s most popular songs and see what takeaways they provide.

“Blowin’ in the Wind”

"Blowin’ in the Wind" is one of Dylan’s most famous anthems. The song lists a series of rhetorical questions before stating, “The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” One interpretation of this statement is that solutions to problems are all around us…but seem near impossible to grasp.

How often is that true about your credit union member experience training?

Maybe employees lack answers to consumer questions. Or perhaps the answers are different between locations and call center representatives. Whatever the symptom, the cause is a lack of clarity.

Refining your journey map defines the member experience for your staff. A guide allows your team to deliver accurate answers (and deliver them consistently). Prioritizing clarity means answers won’t be “blowin’ in the wind” anymore.

“A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall”

This mournful tune started as a poem but evolved into a song about human suffering within a troubled world. Although released in 1963, it still resonates today.

Your members are dealing with difficult economic times – their own “hard rain” of the moment. Recent news reports show a worrisome July jobs report and market volatility. Maybe you can’t change those things at a high level…but your service can make a difference at a personal level.

Your credit union member experience can be an umbrella for those you serve.

Small actions, like calling people on their birthdays, can bring positivity to difficult days. Larger gestures might involve filling the gap when another institution rejected someone in need. That doesn’t mean being foolhardy in an era of rising delinquencies. Just be flexible where appropriate. Some of your best service stories emerge from these gap-filling moments.

“The Times They Are A-Changin’”

The times are changing, with or without you. And as Dylan says in the track, “you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone.” Mapping out your branch experience isn’t enough anymore. You also need incredible service on:

  • Your ITMs
  • Your website
  • Your mobile app

Many consumers (especially in younger generations) visit these avenues first. If they enjoy the experience, then they might try a branch. Neglecting your out-of-branch experience these days is like cleaning your living room but leaving junk all over the front porch – it won’t bring anyone in the door.

Don’t forget your brand either. Many financial institutions offer similar products, so you need a resonant brand to strike consumers. Have you not updated your brand in a while? It’s time to consider your brand of the future.

Change your brand’s experience with the times and avoid getting left behind. On The Mark Strategies specializes in journey mapping and credit union member experience training for financial institutions. Book a free consultation now and strike the right chord with consumers.

Laura Loy
Experience Director
Laura Loy
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