Have Bank or Credit Union Strategic Planning Like a Frienemy
On The Mark Strategies tells you how to have a bank or credit union strategic planning session with frienemy rules like 10% comments and caging the HIPPO.
Read MoreLead with strategy. Strategy comes first. If you read enough of these articles, you hear that refrain vigorously repeated. But what about after you set the strategy? How do you actually achieve your 30,000-foot vision?
It’s time to get tactical. Dive into the nitty gritty. Land the plane.
Here are three small-scale community bank and credit union marketing tips to help you achieve your goals:
Somehow, three tips just don’t seem like enough to help you achieve your goals. Let’s go over a couple more tried and true quick tips to elevate your community bank and credit union marketing.
First up: copy. Cut your copy. No one wants to read reams of text anymore. People skim, so make your copy bulleted, bolded and all-around briefer than it used to be.
Second is imagery. Construct eye-catching designs that are consistent with your brand and each other. Nothing sabotages efforts at a brand identity like random, unrelated image styles. Remember to have a brand standards guide to help you out on the day-to-day marketing work.
Lastly, don’t underestimate your calls to action (CTAs)! Many community bank and credit union marketing pieces still lack a statement asking the consumer to open an account or apply for a loan. On websites, CTAs are frequently absent from above-the-fold on the homepage. People won’t act unless you ask them to act.
And you might be too time-strapped to act on many of these recommendations yourself. If that’s your situation, book a free consultation with On The Mark Strategies today and ask about community bank and credit union marketing help. It’s often cheaper than a full-time employee (while giving you a whole team of experts).