Make Your Bank or Credit Union Brand Like a Christmas Carol

Sean Galli
Make Your Bank or Credit Union Brand Like a Christmas Carol

It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year!

And hearing “the most wonderful time of the year” probably brought the Andy Williams carol to mind. It’s so iconic you can’t disassociate the phrase from the song. There are a lot of carols like that - “Let it Snow,” “White Christmas” and “Deck the Halls” to name a few. These tunes mark permanent territory in your head.

Wouldn’t it be nice if your bank or credit union brand did the same thing for consumers? Here are three ways to make your brand like a Christmas carol.

1. Be Catchy

Without a doubt, Christmas carols easily get stuck in your head. The repetitive tune and lyrics make each song easy to remember, and you hear the same carols every Christmas season.

Applied to your bank or credit union brand, these qualities translate to:

  • Consistency
  • Constancy

Let’s start with consistency.

Strategically, your brand cannot target everyone. You must choose a few niches and tailor marketing toward your niches. Don’t veer away from your target groups unless it’s a well thought out decision (usually happening during strategic rebrands). Tactically, your colors, imagery, logo placement and so on should remain consistent across all pieces.

When it comes to constancy…you simply can’t slow down broadcasting your brand. You hear carols everywhere during the holiday season, and consumers must “hear” your brand constantly. Blogs, newsletters, email, social media, drawing consumers to your mobile app – all remind consumers about who you are.

2. Be Different

Christmas carols are special because they’re restricted to the holiday season. They’re automatically differentiated from other music.

How is your bank or credit union brand different from other brands?

Service, people and community are not words differentiating you from anyone else…quite the opposite in fact! Establish a unique identity and change your messaging.

Your brand can be “gutsy,” “stalwart” and “vigorous.” Those are pretty unique qualities for a financial institution. Legacy Community CU’s vision is “we craft financial solutions.” Again, the focus on craftsmanship in Legacy’s brand differentiates it from competitors.

No matter what unique brand identity you choose, make sure it’s present at your institution. Nothing cuts a new brand off at the knees like arbitrarily imposing qualities from above. Go on a brand safari and discover what brand identity already exists among staff. Then powerfully phrase it.

3. Be Merry

Christmas carols tend to be upbeat and happy, gearing you up for a celebratory season. You want your bank or credit union brand to evoke positive feelings too. People remember how you made them feel.

This might mean your brand is peppy, but not always. It depends on your audience. The important thing is your consumers feel something on the spectrum of positivity.

Frontwave CU doesn’t have a warm, fuzzy brand. But if you’re a military member or blue-collar worker, its brand makes you feel a sense of belonging and understanding.

And if you’re ready to revitalize your bank or credit union brand, On The Mark Strategies has the guidance you need to make everything merry and bright. Book a free consultation today!

Sean Galli
Marketing Coordinator
Sean Galli
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