How Do “Back-Office” Folks Engage with the Credit Union Member Experience?

Sean Galli
How Do “Back-Office” Folks Engage with the Credit Union Member Experience?

“Back-office” employees aren’t seen by most people. After all…it’s in the name. They don’t face the members. They aren’t on the front line. So, they don’t need credit union member experience training, right?


While it’s true that these individuals don’t usually interact with consumers, the success of any sales and service program depends upon their participation. Here’s why.

“Back-Office” is a Misnomer

The term “back-office” does these team members a major disservice. It sounds like they’re shut away in the spare credit union closet…with little to no impact on people at all. But they do have an impact on consumers – it’s just indirect.

Without the IT department conducting website or systems maintenance, members have a bad digital experience with your organization. If loan operations people don’t process documentation correctly, applicants fail to receive needed funds. A lack of HR professionals would threaten staffing…also threatening service quality.

So, let’s toss out the term “back-office.” These team members are actually “member-impacting.” And that means credit union member experience training is important for them too.

External Service Hinges on Internal Service

But these employees’ actions affect more than consumer satisfaction. They also influence their member-facing coworkers’ environment. And your member-facing staff can’t perform effectively without the proper support.

That’s why your level of external service will never exceed your level of internal service to each other.

Member-impacting folks arm member-facing folks with the tools needed for success. They fix problems member-facing staff can’t handle. One group must never shun the other because if that happens, the service experience falls apart. You’re one team; kill silos and serve each other.

Your Brand Involves Everything and Everyone

Your brand is more cultural than collateral. As in, it defines every facet of your organization…up to down and front to back. A successful brand generates a vision, values and attitude that permeates everything you do.

Not a single employee can escape it. Following your brand culture is part of the job description – it’s part of every job description. And permitting any one group to check out endangers the seriousness of your brand culture (as well as your bottom line).

According to “People Managing People,” organizations with engaged employees see increased customer ratings by 10% and increased profitability by 23%.

Teach your member-impacting staff to engage with the brand as much as your member-facing staff. You won’t regret it and neither will they. Not only will the organization’s fortunes improve, but you’ll imbue team members with renewed passion for their jobs.

Training Done Right

So, member-impacting staff are necessary to executing your service experience…meaning they need training on how to do it right. But is all credit union member experience training appropriate for them?

Admittedly, no. A module about talking with members isn’t really something they need. However, there are a lot of things they should know:

  • Branding, what it means and how they impact it
  • Leadership tips and tricks
  • Methods to enhance productivity
  • Teamwork

Work with a credit union member experience expert to make picking the right topics easy. On The Mark Strategies trains employees (of all positions) at institutions across the country how to deliver differentiated service. Book a free consultation today.

Sean Galli
Marketing Coordinator
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