Write Email Newsletters People Want to Read

Sean Galli
Write Email Newsletters People Want to Read

Email newsletters are a dime a dozen these days. It feels like every author, speaker, company and yes, financial institution, has one. Such a crowded market means it’s more important than ever to stand out.

But how can your credit union or community bank’s newsletter rise above the rest?

Let’s go over three key ways to make an irresistible email newsletter.

1. Craft Clickable Subject Lines

The first (and hardest) hurdle to overcome is getting people to open your newsletter. It’s a heavy lift, and your subject line pulls most of the weight. In fact, 47% of consumers open emails based on the subject alone.

That means it must instantly grab attention, intrigue the reader or identify with them. But word of warning: it should also be true. You don’t want your newsletter labeled as clickbait.

So, “A Cure for Scams” subject line should ideally introduce an article about scam tips. Or “No Payments, No Problems” should discuss 60 days without payments or possibly skip-a-pay. Always intrigue the reader with integrity.

2. Know When to Send

Your open rate also depends on when you send the newsletter. Are you always getting it out at 9pm? Or on a Friday at 4pm?

If so, you shouldn’t expect too much from it. People simply aren’t reading at those times. Target around 9am (when people start work) or 12pm (lunchtime) to catch them while they’re warming up or going on a break.

And avoid Mondays and Fridays. Those days are when you’re either recovering from or expecting the weekend, and your newsletter will play second fiddle when placed next to the weekend. Aim for Tuesday through Thursday to catch people while they’re still engaged with work.

3. Say Something Important (and Say It in a Fun Way)

Subject lines and perfect timing mean nothing if all you’re writing is meaningless fluff or snore-worthy promotional material. You need to say something relevant to the readers’ lives, their work, their struggles. And it should be humorous or fun!

That’s not to say you can’t promote products. But it is to say you should be clever about it.

Let’s imagine you’re running an auto loan promotion, for example. Don’t just write an article about competitive rates, better than banks and every other standard buzz term that pops into your head.

Instead, write a newsletter about types of breakdowns and the cost of car repairs. Make your auto loan the solution to this problem and remember to say it in a fun way. So, members or customers don’t just get 60 days of no payments – they get two full moons richer!

Do you need some more in-depth help than these three tips? On The Mark Strategies’ creative services will help you craft impactful newsletters, promotional emails and more.

Sean Galli
Marketing Coordinator
Sean Galli
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